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an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.

Stretch Goal Reports

Glossary Words from the following Reports: Labour Productivity, Labour Force, Non-Residential Private Sector Investment, R&D Per Capita

Report: Real Non-Residential Private Sector Investment

Report: Labour Productivity

Report: Post Secondary Education and Research and Development

Summary Report




In the Numbers

New Brunswick has the 2nd lowest R&D expenditures per capita in Canada at only 60% of the national rate. This leads to lower levels of innovation and hurts the productivity of New Brunswick workers.

Figure 1: Per Capita R&D Expenditure: All Sources (2012 Constant Dollars)

The problem in R&D funding is not isolated to any single sector, rather New Brunswick has lower than national rates in funding from all six major funders; Business enterprise, federal government, provincial government, private non-profit, foreign, and higher education. Figure 2 shows the sources of funding and the percentage of total that they account for.

Figure 2: New Brunswick R&D Funding by Source

Figure 2 shows that higher education makes up two thirds of the provinces R&D funding, but New Brunswick still has the lowest rates of any province. Other provinces only rely on higher education for 50% of their total R&D and still receive more funding per capita, this shows how far behind New Brunswick is, and is expounded on in our Post-Secondary Research and Development Goal.

Figure 3: Higher Education R&D Expenditure Per Capita (2012 Constant Dollars)

The other area that New Brunswick trails in is funding from the federal government. In this area also, New Brunswick ranks near the bottom, only ahead of PEI. Increased federal funding could kickstart the process of increasing R&D in the province. At present New Brunswick receives less than half of the national rate of federal R&D funding.

Figure 4: Federal Government R&D Expenditure Per Capita

All of this leads to lower levels of innovation in the province and lower levels of Labour pruductivity.

New Brunswick also has low levels of capital formation. This means that the New Brunswick labour force is not working with the best available technology in the best available settings. With higher business investment and a younger, skilled workforce, Labour pruductivity would increase. This is further explained in Non-Residential Private Sector Investment


Labour pruductivity can be understood as a function of Private Sector Investment and of Research and Development. New Brunswick has low expenditures on R&D from every major funder, but the deficits in federal funding, business expenditure, and higher education makes up the bulk of the problem. New Brunswick also has low levels of private sector investment because of the types of workers available in the province coupled with a business environment that potential investors do not apparently trust. Improving in these areas would increase average Labour pruductivity and make New Brunswick a more attractive place to do business, ultimately benefiting the economy.


Appendix A: Total R&D Expenditures Per Capita (2012 Constant Dollars)


Appendix B: New Brunswick R&D Expenditures Per Capita (2012 Constant Dollars)


Appendix C: Higher Education R&D Expenditures Per Capita (2012 Constant Dollars)


Appendix C: Federal Government R&D Expenditures Per Capita (2012 Constant Dollars)


Appendix D: Business R&D Expenditures Per Capita (2012 Constant Dollars)
